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March 17, 2011
I encourage you to read my About Me page prior to reading any post on my blog.  I find it's important to know who is writing here, so that you can understand her point of view a bit more clearly.

Now, let's get this ball rolling, shall we?  I was reading the other day a perspective of a woman, who suggested that femininity is a cage that was invented for the fairer sex by patriarchal society.  This perspective really saddens me, because there really is one true basis for femininity and masculinity, and that is biology.  This biology isn't a cage, but it is a natural force that we simply cannot change.  The biological definition of femininity is 'those qualities specific to a female that attracts males to them, so that mating and procreation can occur'.  The biological definition of masculinity is 'those qualities specific to a male that attracts females to them, so that mating and procreation can occur'.

Basically, if you, as a female, aren't attracting males, then perhaps you need to adjust some things about yourself, so that you might.  Quite conversely, if a male isn't attracting females, they need to adjust some things about themselves, so that they might.  Granted, there are in each individual variances on what makes someone attractive to them, but on a very biological level, these things do not change.

A male wants an attractive, intelligent, female with a pleasant disposition, because it ensures that she can take proper care of his offspring, and his home, and not be an embarrassment to him.  A female wants a strong, intelligent, and financially stable male, because it ensures that he can provide for the needs and safety of her offspring, the home, and someone she wouldn't be ashamed to be paired with.

What makes a woman attractive to a man?  This truly does vary from man to man, but I'd have to say one of the most attractive features a woman can have, in his eyes, is a pleasant disposition.  To all you women out there who are angry, like to yell and argue, want to always be the one with the last word, you may as well hang up your brassiere, and call it a day.  This will not attract a man to you, and it certainly won't keep one near you if he discovers these traits only after you've been together for a while.  This doesn't mean that a man finds a woman who is intelligent, and can speak her mind rationally, to be unattractive.  It simply means he doesn't want to be around a shrill obnoxious tart.  Quite simply, if you can't behave like an adult, don't expect any adult to want you.  This applies to both sexes.

Anything outside of the basic biological constructs of femininity and masculinity are not set in stone, and become less of a standard, and more a philosophy.  Some of these various philosophies are things we will cover at some other time.

That is all for now, my lovelies.


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Sophronia Nepthys
Sophronia Nepthys is as her name suggests. Sophronia (so fro nee ah) means self-controlled, Nepthys (nef this) means lady of the house.
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